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14th of June 2009

Writer: V2AviationV2Aviation

A Dornier 328-100 was operating a domestic flight between Jayapura-Sentani Airport and Tanah Merah Airport, in Indonesia. With a crew of 3 and 36 passengers, it would be the first flight of the 14-year-old aircraft for the day.

The aircraft in its final position, not the missing propellor from the right engine, and the propellor blade visible below the emergency exit (Source & © NTSC)

At 07.30 local time (lt) the aircraft lifted off the Jayapura runway and set course for the 244 miles (390 kilometer) flight to Tanah Merah. The pilot in command was the pilot flying (PF) and the co-pilot was the pilot monitoring (PM) this sector.

The weather at Tanah Merah (recorded at 09.00 lt) was calm;

  • Wind - 300º / 4 knots

  • Visibility - 8000 meters

  • Clouds - scattered at 210 meters // broken at 1000 meters

After an uneventful flight, the aircraft overflew the airport and joined a left downwind for runway 25 at 900 feet. The final approach speed (Vref) was The right-hand propellor and part of the determined to be 105 knots. engine gearbox (Source & © NTSC) The aircraft touched down normally at 09.17 lt in the touchdown zone of runway 25. Reverse thrust was selected to aid the deceleration of the aircraft. ~500 meters into the landing roll, at a speed of 60 knots, reduced and the condition levers were selected to minimum. Shortly afterward the aircraft, without warning, pulled to the right abruptly. The crew applied a full left rudder and left wheel brake to correct the aircraft's trajectory, but they were unsuccessful and the aircraft left the runway approximately 600 meters from the touchdown area. The right main landing gear left the paved surface of the runway and immediately sank into the soft ground, while the left main landing gear and the nose wheel remained on the hard area adjacent to the runway. Because the right main landing gear sank into the soft ground the right-hand propellor struck the ground, fracturing the blades and tearing the propellor assembly from the aircraft, coming to rest approximately 4.5 meters from the right engine, which was substantially damaged.

The righthand side of the fuselage, note the missing propellor and the installed air-data probe covers (Source & © NTSC)

An emergency evacuation was initiated, 33 of the aircraft's occupants evacuated the aircraft via the passenger door (left forward) 3 passengers evacuated the aircraft through the left emergency exit. There were no injuries.

Damage to the aircraft was limited to the right-hand propellor and engine. The righthand wing tip came to rest on the soft ground, minor (if any) was suspected.

An investigation was launched by the National Transportation Safety Committee (NTSC) of Indonesia.

There report, available by clicking here, listed the following findings;

There were no technical issues found with the aircraft.

  • Both flight crew members were properly licensed

  • It was the first pairing for both flight crew members

  • The PF did not follow correct procedures for reducing the condition lever (condition levers to minimum not above 30 knots during Tire marks on the runway the landing roll) (Source & © NTSC)

  • PF lacked experience in operating the aircraft in the prevailing conditions at Tanah Merah (PF Previously flew in Europe) and had not flown for a year prior to joining the operator.



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